Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tuesday, June 29

I wanted to write this last night but was way too tired. Most people on this trip I have known or gone to church with for some time now, however there is a group of young peoople on this trip that are somewhat new to the WCC family and that is our summer interns. Their efforts prior to and during this adventure have been invalualble. Having the extra person with just a bit more responsiblity and accountablity than they teens, available to be in each group, gives us the opportunity to spread out a little more and reach more people. If you have ever been a group sponsor then you understand the energy and effort it takes to be responsible for other peoples kids. (The WCC kids DO make it easier than any I have ever traveled with) The interns add another pair of eyes and ears, and legs when needed. It is a huge help, and we have needed it. And as a rule, that is what you would expect. THESE interns are special. They each bring to the table a love for the Lord that is visable and almost palatable. Each one has a special gift or chacter that adds a dimension to the group that would be missing if it weren't here. Abby's beautiful voice adds depth to every song, Nolands humble, protective spirit adds a dimension of safety as we travel in mass. Matts ability to start up a game of soccer and actually looking somewhat comfortable at it gives us creditability in the park. Hailey's gentle, evangelistic spirit has touched so many both Bulgarian and American in this group. I have grown to love and appreciate each one of the special young adults. My life has been enriched by them and so has our youth group and church family.

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